High Load Chemical anchor
It is solvent-free and epoxy based 2-part high performance anchoring adhesive. It is used for fixing of non-expanding anchors.
For the fixing of non-expanding anchors in the following:
For structural work:
Rebar / steel reinforcement anchoring in new and refurbishment works.
Threaded rods
Bolts and special fastening systems
Mechanical and electrical services installation:
Anchoring of supports for ducting and equipment.
Metal Work, carpentry
Fixing of handrails, balustrades and supports
Fixing of railings
Fixing of window and door frames
Where to Use
How to Use
Drill hole to the diameter and depth required. The diameter must be in accordance with anchor size.
The drill hole must be cleaned with air blower, starting from the bottom of the hole.
The drill hole must be thoroughly cleaned with steel brush. After brush, to use air blower to clean the drill hole again.
Inject the adhesive into the hole, starting from the bottom, while slowly drawing back the static mixer.
In any case avoid entrapping air. For deep holes extension tubing can be used.
Insert the anchor with a rotary motion into the filled drill hole. Some adhesive must come out of the hole.
During the resin hardening time the anchor must not be moved or loaded.